
Several alums joined in a post-COVID gathering on 6-23-21 at
Fraunces Tavern. Pictured are (standing from L. to R.):
Anne Kelly, Janet Silverman, Barbara Kluger, Richard Liskov,
Wayne Cotter, Peter Kreuter, Sam Wachtel, Steve Maluk,
Mary Lee Kreuter, and Bruce Green. Seated (from L. to R.) are
Barry Greenhouse, Sal Curiale and Paul Zuckerman.

Earl Weekes Retirement Luncheon (Earl in middle, holding paper)

NYSID Alum Mark Gardner shares a laugh with Govenor Andrew
Cuomo at a recent 2018 event.

Robert McLaughlin Retirement Party (October 2017):
(from left) Mary Lee Kreuter, Mary Anne Morrell, Bob McLaughlin,
and Peter Kreuter

McLaughlin Retirement: Marty Schwartzman, Wayne Cotter,
Larry Levine, Joe Fritsch, Lisa Fernez

NYSID alums Mark Gardner and Wayne Cotter enjoyed the offbeat
humor of Gilbert Gottfried in May 2017 in a small, dingy Yonkers
night spot.

Life Bureau Chief Mike Maffei addresses his fans at his May 2015
Retirement send-off (for a good time call that phone number
on the side of the dais?).
Zurkitch Retirement (April 2015) Front Row (left to right):
Alan Rachlin, Lorraine Coleman, and NYSID alums
Fern Summer, Joan Siegel, Patricia Jack, & Sam Wachtel
Back Row (left to right): Barbara Kluger, Hung Oy (Jenny) To (alum),
Paul Zuckerman, Lawrence Fuchsberg, Vincenza Stephanie
Zurkitch (honoree), Robert Freedman, & Jeffrey Stonehill

Paul Atruda has left New York for Texas. At his sendoff in August
2014 are (from left to right) Paul A., Gail Keren, Sam Wachtel, and
Marty Schwartzman.

Saying goodbye to Paul Altruda are Anne Kelly, Don Gabay,
Gerry Dolman and Stan Dorf.

Before leaving for Texas, Paul Altruda bids farewell to Stewart Keir
and Sal Castiglione. Since they couldn't make the Friday night affair,
the two alums joined Paul for lunch that afternoon.

NYSID alums Kenny Weitz and Dennis Bensen (green shirt) survey
Govenor's Island. Gary Matson in foreground.

On board ferry from Govenor's Island (from left to right): Erwin Roca,
Jeff Stonehill, Lenny Purzner, and Jeff Wilson.

NYSID alum "Uncle" Arnie Kahn and his wife Sherryl celebrated
their 60th wedding anniversary early in 2014. Pictured above are
(from L. to R.): Kunjama and Pappy Kunjukunju, Sherryl and Arnie,
alums John Mansfield, Janet Glover and Gail Keren. Pappy is a
current DFS staffer.

JoAnne Brazener closed out 45 years at the NYSID and DFS
with a celebration in downtown Manhattan on June 18, 2014.
Pictured here are Joanne and her husband Richie.

JoAnne and her husband are joined by DFS friends and admirers

Matti Peltonen left DFS in May 2014 to work for the Federal Insurance
Office in Washington D.C. At his farewell gathering are NYSID alums
(from L. to R.): Wayne Cotter, Matti, Steve Maluk, and Marty Carus.

At a recent alumni event (from left, clockwise): John Mansfield,
Chuck Henricks, Sam Wachtel, Linda Chanda, Wayne Cotter,
Benita Hirsch, Paul Altruda and Barbara Sacco.

Celebrating at Joe Fritsch's Retirement Dinner: alums
Marty Carus (left), Larry Levine (center) and Vin Laurenzano.

The guest of honor with alum Don Carbone (far left),
Michael Campanelli and Joe's wife.

At recent alumni event: Kashyap Saraiya, current DFS staffer
Gerald Scattaglia, Steve Maluk, and Joe DeMauro.

Paul Orkwis, long-time Principal Examiner in the Albany Consumer
Services Bureau (CSB) retired in the summer of 2012. Pictured
at his retirement party are (from left) Les Grimmell, Steve Martuscello,
Paul. Each spent his entire working career in CSB and collectively they
devoted well over 100 years to assisting New York State consumers.
(Thanks to John Capuano for the photo)
In August 2012, alums Wayne Cotter (bottom left), Steve Maluk
(top right) and Mark Gardner (bottom right) joined long-time
NYSID and DFS attorney Paul Zuckerman at downtown Manhattan's
Suspenders for a tasty lunch and some good cheer.

Wilma Ferebee celebrates her day on May 14, 2012, pictured here
are (center Wilma and granddaughter Kai Don and (clockwise from
bottom left): grandson Elijah Ferebee, daughter Delores Huston,
daughter T'Pau Ferebee, and sister (and traveling buddy)
Annette Akins

Norma Dixon pays tribute at Wilma's 2012 luncheon

Some of the well-wishers at Wilma's farewell luncheon

Friends and family celebrated Sam's retirement at his March 2012
luncheon. Pictured above are Sam and his wife Noreen (far right)
with children John Zimmerman and Teresa Wierzbicki.

At Sam's farewell (from L. to R.) alum Pete Harkin, Eileen Fox,
Karen Silverstein, Sam and alum Mitch Gennaoui.

Benita had the "time of her life" at her 2/29/12 retirement celebration.
Pictured above are Benta (bottom left) joined by (counter-clockwise from
Benita) Benita's partner Virginia Naughton, Virginia's daughter-in-law
Jenny Shum, son Andreas Naughton, and long-time Benita friend
and NYSID alum Linda Regan.

Benita surrounded by NYSID alum at her 2012 retirement party.
Pictured are (from L. to R.): Gene Bienskie, Rich Lynde, Benita,
Wayne Cotter, and N. Barry Greenhouse.

Some staffers and alums recently got together in NYC to honor
Jim Carroll on his recent retirement (from L to R): Michael Laverdiere,
alum Steve Maluk, Kathy Grogan, guest of honor Jim Carroll, alum
Wayne Cotter, Kathleen McQueen, Larry Wertel, and Dan Sheridan.

Gene Bienskie was honored on Oct. 26, 2011 for his 32 years of service
to the NYSID. Pictured here are Gene with his wife Janine and children
Carolyn and Christopher.

Matti Peltonen (left) and alum Leroy Kaalund bid farewell to Gene B.

Barry Bistreich explains during this October 2011 luncheon remarks why he asked for a Lionel Lone Ranger Wild West Set for his retirement.

(from left) alums Laurel Presser, Mark Presser and Linda Chanda at Barry's retirement luncheon

Barbara Sacco and John Mansfield have a wealth of Barry Bistreich stories between them.

Wedding bells finally rang for Steve Mulrooney and Jerome
Van Wert. See Story in the "Features of the Month."

Alums Kevin Foley and Wayne Cotter visit J&R Music World,
New York City's last surviving CD and record megastore.
(Photo by Paul Zuckerman)
Four former Superintendents honored Susheila Elahie at her
retirement party on April 26, 2011. Sue worked over 30 years
for the Insurance Department. Pictured above are (from left to right)
Greg Serio, Sal Curiale, Susheila, Jim Corcoran and Howard Mills.

Current staffers Debbie Greer and Carmin Rios join Georgia
Tsikaris to celebrate Susheila's retirement. (Georgia retired 22 years
ago, but amazingly hasn't changed a bit!)

Recent retirees Mitch Gennaoui (far left) and Mike Moriarty join
current NYSID attorney Sam Wachtel and long-time retiree N. Barry
Greenhouse (far right) at Susheila's farewell party.

Gennaoui Luncheon: Superinendent Wrynn congratulates the guest of
honor, Mitch Gennaoui

NYSID alum "Uncle" Arnie Kahn (left) with "Nephew" Barry Bistreich at Gennaoui luncheon

NYSID staffers Allison Clavery & Vish Patel at Gennaoui luncheon

Former First Deputy Superintendent Larry Monin (left) along with
Barry "Inside Man" Greenhouse at Feb. 2011 alumni event.

Alums (from left) Frank LaMonica, Gerry Connelly and Anne Marie Morrell
joins NYSID staffer Carlton Meadows at the 2010 NYC Holiday Party

The Electric Slide at the 2010 Holiday Party

Kaalund Luncheon: Guest of Honor Leroy Kaalund

Alums Mark Presser (l.), Chuck Henricks and Mary Lee Kreuter at
Kaalund luncheon

In a March 2010 luncheon, the Department honored
Property Bureau Chief Larry Levin (above) on his retirement.
Larry started at the NYSID in 1977

Alums (from l. to r.) Linda Chanda, Paul DeRobertis, Paul Altruda and
Marty Minkowitz. Paul DeRobertis was named "best dressed at the event"
by emcee Maurice Morgenstern

Gerry Connelly celebrated his recent retirement at a January 2010
get-together at the Department. Above, the guest of honor offers
a heart-felt farewell.

NYSID alum Chuck Henricks, sporting his holiday tie, is joined by alums
Anne Marie Morrell and John Reiersen at the holiday party

Alums Janet Glover and Joe DeMauro enjoyed the festivities
(holiday ties were in abundance at the 2009 party).

Ron Gage, formerly of the Life Bureau, congratulates our latest alum,
Gerry "Mad Dog" Connelly. Gerry closed out his career with the
Department about a week after the 2009 Holiday Party.

Chief Casualty Actuary Anne Kelly and NYSID former Property Bureau
chief Vincent Laurenzano were in fine spirits at the 2009 celebration
(no holiday tie for Vin).

Grafton Gilchrist recently retired from the NYSID. Pictured here at his retirement luncheon are: Sharon Reynolds (seated), Cheryl Skinner (back row, left); Jim Conti (back row, center), Grafton (seated), and Mark McLeod (back row, right).

Terri Wolcott with husband Rich and Mary and Morgan, Easter 2009

NYC Holiday Party '08: Superintendent Eric Dinallo and Susan Donnellan

NYC Holiday Party '08: Mike Moriarty with the Department's most recent
alum, Paul DeRobertis

NYC Holiday Party '08: In the Holiday Spirit: top row (l. to r.) Mary
Paul Desuza,
Debbie Briffa, Verna Fulton; bottom row: Susheila Elahie, Carmen Rios,
Michele Bostic

Collen Curtin - in the blue outfit - daughter of NYSID staffer Karen
Curtin (some alums may know her as Karen O'Brien) and Lauren Nunziata,
daugher of NYSID alums, Gene and Dorothy.

At former First Deputy Louis Pietroluongo's 9/18/08 farewell luncheon
(from left to right): Guest of Honor Lou Pietroluongo, alum Kashyap Saraiya
(one of the luncheon speakers) and Master of Ceremonies Vince Mazzarella.
Lou served the Department for over a decade.

Joe Fritsch, Mike Moriarty and alum Mike Barry at the Pietroluongo luncheon.

Alums Angie Paxhia and Carolyn Gressick in Niagara Falls. Angie's husband
was also there but Angie reports that she ditched him for the guy in the

Moving Up: (from l. to r.) Rolf Kaumann, Gene Bienskie
and Jim Davis were honored at a recent after-hours celebration for their
recent promotions. Kaumann moved from the Health Bureau to the Property
Bureau (he has also worked in Frauds and Consumer Services), while Bienskie
moved from the Property Bureau to become Health Bureau Chief. Davis, on
the other hand, will not be leaving the Property Bureau as a result of
his promotion.

Leapin' Lenny Purzner does the "Dance of Joy" at the May promotions
party while Jim "The Fox" Conti looks on.

Steve Maluk and recent Grandpa Sal Curiale (with his Grandpa whiskers)
at a recent alumni event.
Paul Altruda, Bert Horowitz and former Superintendent Al Lewis

Barbara Kluger (l.) and Gail Keren (r.) congratulate Anne Marie Morrell
at her March 2008 retirement party...

Christine Mavour congratulates Anne Marie...

Final Act for Long-time Actuary: After more than 40 years, the Department
celebrated Janet Silverman's retirement in January 2008. Pictured here
are (from l. to r.): Janet, Anne Kelly, alum Linda Lamel and Bruce Green....

Marty Party: Janet S.finds herself surrounded by Marties, Minkowitz (l.)
and Feldman

Marty Carus, Jeff Angelo, and Terry Lennon at Jeff's retirement party
in January 2008...

Two alumni — former Superintendent Howard Mills and Peter Molinaro
— pose for a photo during the 2006 holiday party . . .

Nine former Superintendents (or acting Superintendents) posed for a one-of-a-kind
shot during a 2002 seminar. From left, they are Edward Muhl, Richard Stewart,
Benjamin Schenck, Albert Lewis, John Gemma, Gregory Serio, James Corcoran,
Wendy Cooper and Salvatore Curiale.

An Oldie but Goody!
Photo from the 1994 annual conference sponsored by the Insurance Regulatory
Examiners Society. The conference was held in Orlando, FL that year. Top
row: Rich Nebb, Steve Martuscello, Rosa Iturbides, Nancy Yee, Harvey Grossman
, Isaac Zamdas; seated: Bill Klein, Wayne Cotter, Ed Jacobs, Wally Ayers,
Paul Cohen.

After Paul Zuckerman retired in May 2019, he and his wife Linda
traveled to Florida where the Zuckermans met up with the Gabays
for dinner. Pictured above are DonGabay and Paul (Note the
matching NYSID alum shirts!)

Earl Weekes Retirement Luncheon

NYSID Alums Benita Hirsch and Robert McLaughlin got together
in August 2018 in Buffalo. Pictured at Niagara Falls are (from left to right) Benita's sister, Benita, Maryann McLaughlin, Robert McLaughlin.

McLahghlin Retirement: (from left) Michael Scharff, Larry Levine,
Bob McLaughlin, Gene Nunziata

Bob McLaughlin at Work

On June 1, 2017, NYSID alums (from left) Sal Curiale, Barry Greenhouse,
Kathleen McQueen, Rich Lynde and Chuck Henricks celebrated the 50th
Anniversary of the release of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band LP
by the Beatles.

Times Square, June 1, 2017

Mike Maffei cuts the ceremonial first piece of cake at his May 2015
retirement bash.

Guest of Honor Vincenza Zurkitch and husband NYSID alum
Ron Zurkitch

Guest of Honor Vincenza Zurkitch

Honoring Paul Altruda are Benita Hirsch, Patricia Mann,
Paul Zuckerman and Barbara Kluger.

The Department's 2014 picnic was held at Govenor's Island.
Some were even lucky enough to find a place to eat their lunch.

One of our newest alums, Richie Nebb waits to board ferry back
from Govenor's Island.

Actuaries were in abundance at JoAnne's party. Pictured are NYSID
alums Anne Kelly, Janet Silverman, Bruce Green and Deborah Rosenberg.
How did Janet Glover get into this photo?

Paul Altruda and Marcia Alazraki were there to wish JoAnne well.

Honoring Matti are NYSID alums (from L. to R.): Tim Nauheimer,
Andy Mais, Joe DeMauro, Joe Fritsch, and Mike Imbriano

Joe Fritsch with twin brother, Joe's wife, and nephew Eric.

How many alums can you name?

Wilma and Kai Don offer their thanks

Wendy Marshall says farewell to her friend Wilma

Pictured above at Sam's luncheon are (from L. to R.) Jack Stein,
Nancy Yee, Gerry Scattaglia and alum Steve Solomon.

Who says lawyers aren't an affectionate bunch? Former General
Counsel Donna Freireich and DFS attorney Paul Zuckerman reunite
at Sam's party.

Everyone was expecting the food to be special at Benita's Leap Day
Farewell... and it was. Current staffers even pitched in to serve.
Pictured overseeing the salad and dessert bars are (from L. to R.):
Richie Nebb, Elaine Newman, Khatune Ghani and Tira Banks.

Toasting Jim Carroll are (from L to R): Larry Wertel, Kathy Grogan,
Jimbo, Al Goren, and Anne Kelly.

Even Benita couldn't keep the lawyers away: Pictured above are three
the greatest legal minds in the insurance community: Paul Zuckerman,
Jon Rothblatt and NYSID alum Marty Minkowitz.

Sam Wachtel (left) and alum Paul DeRobertis wished Gene Bienskie
well on his 10-26 luncheon.

Alums Pete Harkin (left) and Charlie Rapacciuolo share a laugh
at Bienskie luncheon.
NYSID alum Don Gabay and the guest of honor at Barry's retirement party

Recent retirees Joe Smeragliuolo (left) and Mike Moriarty share a laugh with alum Rich Lynde at Bistreich retirement luncheon.
Susheila's husband and two daughters were on hand for the festivities.

NYSID Member Kathleen McQueen and alum Anna Lamecha
honor Susheila.

Pete Harkin (who retired the same day as Mitch) with staffer Ed Tasker at Gennaoui luncheon

Benita Hirsch (center) and alums Linda Chanda and Mary Lee Kreuter

Alums Franz Mann (left), Gerry Connelly and Ron Gage yuk it up at Mitch's luncheon.

It's good to see that any anxiety created by the merging of the Insurance and Banking departments did not affect staffers' appetites. Picked over turkey carcass from Gennaoui luncheon.

NYSID staffers Joe Fritsch & Debby Briffa with alum Mark Gardner

Peter & Mary Lee Kreuter bundle up for chilly weather as they
leave the 2010 Holiday Party.
Kaalund Luncheon: Retirees Stu Krieger(l.) and Jim (The Fox)
Conti with current NYSID staffer Zoraida Estevez

Larry Levine's best friend Mike Scharff, speaking at the luncheon, revealed how he recruited Larry to the NYSID all those years ago.

Alums Laurel Presser (left) and Mary Lee Kreuter enjoying the festivities

Former Life Bureau Chief Terry Lennon
salutes Gerry Connelly.

Retirees and current staffers gather to honor Gerry Connelly
at his 2010 retirement luncheon.

Alums Rich Lynde and "Uncle Arnie" Kahn enjoy the 2009
Holiday Party

Joining the Grafton's fairwell luncheon are alums Paul DeRobertis (far left), Mike Molinaro (2nd from left) and Frank LaMonica (far right) and current staffers John Breen (middle) and Gerry Connelly.

NYC Holiday Party '08: Debby Briffa and Barry "Inside Man"

NYC Holiday Party '08: Pat Neidel and Anne Marie Morrell are all smiles

Barry Goldwater Jr., whose firm Lou will be joining, paid tribute to
Lou at the luncheon.

Following the luncheon, Susheila Elahie (l.) and Kathleen McQueen were
among the many well-wishers.

What shocking secret (?) is honoree Jim Davis revealing to Amanda Carlisle
at the early-May promotions party!

Chuck Henricks, Kevin Foley and Mark Gardner
Gerry "The Benefactor" Dolman

...and Karen Cole with trainer extraordinaire Anne Marie Morrell

...while the guys (Saraiya, Cotter & Maluk) "hang out"
at her March 2008 retirement party

...and sharing a Laugh: (from l.) Benita Hirsch, Janet & alums Terri
Goldberg and Pat Neidel. (Pat also joined the alumni ranks in January

...and Jeff with Ruth Gumaer

. . . while former Superintendent Al Lewis and alumni Richard Hsia and
Barry Greenhouse sit out on the deck.

Above: Retiree Bernie Ganley (far right) with current staffers Jody Wald
and Barbara Neidich at a recent Department event.

. . . and Anna Lemecha, Steve Mulrooney and Anna Allen, also at Gene's

NYSID staffers at John Mansfield's July '08 Retirement Party.

John addressing the gathering at his July '08 Retirement Party. |